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10 May 2012

Breaking... in the GTA...

...the Greater Tehran area...iran... it's closer than you thinkLet's get right down to brass tacks here...
Islam has allowed boys to engage in sports for one specific reason and that is to always keep them healthy and strong. But why should a Muslim be healthy and strong? Firstly, it is necessary to take care of the body because it is a gift from Allah. Secondly, so that you may physically be ready for jihad whenever the time comes for it.”
There's gotta be some sort of mistake, right?

These folks can't possibly be referring to preparing to wage a war in Toronto the Good... can they?
No doubt any wise, humanitarian person accepts such a combat and admires it because there is no other way to achieve the sacred ends of the Prophets.”
No... other... way. Hmmm... that seems fairly definitive.

Wow... so goodbye Casey & Finnegan... hello semtex & hand to hand combat.

Hmmm... wasn't Blazing Catfur beating this particular education-related drum the other day? Nary a mention of that in the Post. Nice picture of three friendly boys though.

I wonder what's in the boxes.


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