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10 April 2012

Never mind drugs... take a minute and... to your kids about that single shining moment of life-altering idiocy...
“He’s still in critical condition right now,” said his sister when reached by phone. While that was all the family wanted to say, a police source told the Mississauga News that the teen’s injuries would likely leave him with brain damage should he survive.

There are parallels to an incident in Ajax last month, when a 19-year-old was rushed to hospital after falling off the hood of a Toyota.
Remember... it's all fun and games... until somebody loses a... well... frontal lobe.
Police said the teen climbed onto the moving car and, when it braked, flew onto the pavement and fractured his skull.
Have I had that talk with Neophyte?

You bet your sweet ass I did. Or, more to the point... his brain. Or his anything.

Have that talk. And remember, it ain't about smart or stupid, or good or evil... the kids here sounded like they were... overall... fairly intelligent & headed for happy, productive lives.

It's about making the right choices... something teenage boys are not particularly celebrated for.