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10 April 2012

Don't need a Weatherman... know which way the tax valuta is flowing...
While the Kenneys — who represented themselves at the hearings — said both their health and property values were affected by the turbines and their noise, the review board rejected their pleas.

MPAC told the review board that proximity to wind turbines is not built into the model the corporation uses to assess properties.
You know that model, right... the one that says (never mind Dalton channeling Al Gore) the government never loses?
The sides had informal talks about a possible settlement during the hearings, Ed Kenney said, but MPAC had insisted that any settlement agreement should have no mention of wind turbines. In the end, no agreement was reached and the case was decided by a two-member review board panel.
Yup... there's a shocker.
John Andrew, real estate professor at Queen’s University’s School of Business, said the decision by the review board isn’t surprising. Putting a value on external factors like wind turbines, a nearby airport, or concentrations of student housing can be tricky, he said in an interview.

"People could run to MPAC and say: ‘Hey, I’ve got a whole bunch of student houses on my street and they’re partying ’til one in the morning and my property value should reflect that.'"
Hey, Dalton... when we gonna see that Rosedale Wind Turbine Farm?