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07 March 2012

New Democratic Party set to announce... Junkie Apprenticeship Programme...
That makes it hard for even experienced drug addicts to estimate what kind of a dose they're getting, Shahin said. Guess wrong and a drug user could wind up overdosing or dead.
Apparently there's a right way and a wrong way to scrape & inject the goo off bootleg fentanyl patches.

Darwin was right.


RELATED: Yeah, catering to addicts...

...that should be our number 1 priority...
The most recent and urgent warning has come from B.C. Finance Minister Carole Taylor whose analysts estimated that public health spending could consume 71 per cent of the provincial budget by 2017.

"Typical fascist, destroy our social support system, revert to dog eat dog and command anyone who disagrees to personally take responsibility for everyone that the fascists are destroying."
Unlike your merry band of society-enriching junkies, whores & thugs, huh nonny?


LAST WORD: Party of love & forgiveness...

...finds it's inner Nixon...
"NDP sources said Thomas Linner wasn't doing anything untoward when he signed out Toews' divorce file on his lunch hour Feb. 17."
Just a little light reading, huh Thomas?

But isn't that a blatant violation of "Dear Leader's" deathbed declaration?
Court of Queen's Bench Justice Rick Saull also said there needs to be some level of accountability for those who tamper or "make mischief" with the contents of court files.
Hmmm... forget about a Judge's ruling... let's ask a dipper loyalist...
NDP MP Pat Martin said he thinks the judge was wrong to grant Toews access to the information.
It's Animal Farm all over again.