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03 March 2012

In other " love, hope & optimism" news

Libellous, big-mouth Dipper bully gets punched in the nose...
"New Democrat MP Pat Martin, known for his colourful and sometimes profanity-laced tirades against the Conservatives, is brushing off a defamation lawsuit against him and his party."

"The MP called the company 'rascals' in a news conference and accused it of making 'hundreds of thousands of phoney phone calls' that were part of a 'massive conspiracy to defraud the electoral system'."
Pat Martin is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with Canadian politics.

Perhaps he'll learn that this sort of behaviour is unacceptable AND costly.


In light of the robocall stuff ramping up, I have 3 questions:-

1) Was all the adscam money repaid?

2) All the libs that were to repay campaign/leadership loans according to EC rulings.....have they done so?

3) If the massage parlour that Layton attended was giving therapeutic massages, one would think that all the employees would be licenced.

Were such licences issued for employees there and did the business have a licence permitting therapeutic services?

Wouldn’t it be timely if Conservative bloggers were to start investigating the above (and any other unfinished business) and mercilessly ‘held the exposed feet to the fire’?

LAST WORD: Much ado about Pat Martin

"Turnout in neighbouring untainted ridings does not seem to have been significantly different. If these allegations of voter suppression tactics are indeed true, they do not appear to have been very successful."
(h/t bcf)