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02 March 2012

Alberta's startin' to look pretty good

Just another day in McSlippery's socialist paradise...
Average Ontario household power rates will be the highest in North America except for Prince Edward Island by the end of 2013. The pace of Ontario’s rate increases will pick up in 2014 due to commitments already locked in.
It gets better...
With power rates in the U.S. trending downward, Ontario’s lead is going to widen.
Yup... we're number 1.


RELATED: Dalton's green agenda tanking
Ontario’s largest propane tank processor says it will pull out of Stewardship Ontario’s recycling program this spring if rates aren’t increased, adding pressure to a government-mandated review of the not-for-profit recycling corporation announced last month.

Caledon Propane’s only significant competitor – Hotz Environmental – quit the program earlier this year for the same reason. Hotz was also the province’s largest paint recycler.
Isn't this the same government that gave 81 million dollars to a casino in Windsor? I guess we know where that money came from, huh?
In January, Stewardship Ontario took the contracts out of municipalities’ hands and began offering service providers a fixed rate for their work – one that many decried as artificially low.
Hmmm... kinda like screwin' over Ontario farmers by reneging on ground-based solar remuneration.