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27 February 2012

The life of a modern Toronto teen

Apparently, it ain't all sockhops, sodas and greased back hair...
The police dog search led police to the accused who was hiding under a porch.

Police say they also found a nine-millimetre handgun.

A 17-year-old is facing charges.

RELATED: Your CBC Moonbat moment

CBC Radio is still beating the sacred victimhood drum over the reformulation of Oxycontin. For those not in the loop, said reformulation is designed to make the pills harder to shoot & snort.

That's a good thing, right? Well, not according to CBC. Apparently making junk harder to shoot will cast a biblical plague of misery across the land. Well... somebody's land, anyway.

I confess I had some difficulty deciphering the code. For instance...
"There are 10,000 addicts living on aboriginal reserves."
My first thought was, whoa... there's hospitality and then there's HOSPITALITY... until I realised what they meant was that there were 10,000 aboriginals abusing oxycontin.

My favourite quote, though, has to be... "Clients are using alternative sources of supply"... which translates, roughly, into... "I bought it off Biker Bob at the bar"... which, not too surprisingly, has very little to do with health care or Big Pharma.

But that won't stop the dedicated professionals at the Mother Corpse.

Just you wait & see.


"One of the interesting theories is that northern communities are being intentionally flooded with Oxycontin."

"The gist is, when they couldn't get us with smallpox and TB, they're trying again, this time, with pharmaceuticals."