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10 February 2012

I blame Stephen Harper

“I have to go to Canada, for the well-being of my husband,” she said, adding that she has not heard from Canadian officials.
Hmmm... maybe she could bunk in with Lisa Laflamme.


"So let me get this straight: a foreigner gets hurt in Canada, it's our government's responsibility to reach out to his family back home; a Canadian gets hurt in a foreign land, it's our government's responsibility to look after him there."

"By this logic, no matter what transpires, it's ALWAYS the Harper government's fault."

UPDATE: Just another media spinfest?
The son of the dead van driver, David Blancas-Hernandez, told Peruvian newspaper La Republica his father had been safely transporting staff to chicken farms for more than four years and demanded an impartial investigation into the collision.
Wait a minute... this guy had been flouting the law for four years?
Neither government officials nor police would release the name of the company that hired the workers, and provided the van for which the driver held an improper licence.
Try imagine the media shitstorm if non-Peruvian transport truck driver Chris Fulton (who, incidentally was also killed that night) had not held a valid Class A licence... or had been the one to blow through that intesection like a multi-ton missile...
They were in a van going west on Line 47 in Hampstead when driver Blancas-Hernandez ran the stop sign, colliding with a truck driven by Londoner Christopher Fulton and going south on Perth Rd. 107.
I agree... it's time to take a closer look at "the murky world of foreign farm workers."

How exactly is it... with everybody screaming about unemployment, we're still importing people from halfway around the world to do Canadian jobs?