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01 January 2012

Words of comfort & wisdom...

...from the narcissistic aristocrat who planted that poisonous, life-altering dagger... smack in the middle of Stéphane Dion's shoulder blades...
here, mon ami... let me get that itch for youHmmm... fairness, fairness... that sounds so familiar...
wait, wait... let me give that a little twistBut, heck... don't take my word for it... let's ask the wife of a former Liberal Leader...
"The party base understood in 2006 and Canadian citizens are understanding now. Ignatieff's supporters didn't do their homework. They didn't read his books. They contented themselves with his ability to navigate the cocktail circuit," she wrote.

"Some of them are enraged today. I hear: 'Why didn't anyone tell us about him?' We told you, loud and clear. You didn't listen."