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17 December 2011

Yeah, Gerald you dumbass... it's shocking

I've almost lost count of all the people he's strangled with that deadly sweater vest...objective, my assInteresting though... to see what passes, on a daily basis no less... for "objective" journalism at the once respected Globe & Mail...
"It’s in the nature of true believers and ideologues to believe that any means to their sacred ends are justified. This makes them extremely dangerous people."

"It’s also typical of such people that they’re often motivated by unfathomable resentment and anger, a compulsion not just to better but to destroy their adversaries."

"These are good descriptions of Stephen Harper and those closest to him."
Or perhaps, you silly little sister... they're merely the febrile cartwheels of your overactive, paranoid left-leaning imagination. How exactly do you get this kind of nonsense into print... you're the publisher's favourite nephew?

Here's a thought. Why don't you take a little trip down to Barack Obama's exquisitely organised Chicago... and let us know what we need to change up here?

Yeah... that's what I thought.


the sky is falling, the sky is falling**********

RELATED: Other golden Globe moments
"For today's top nominee in journalistic cowardice, the fake quote captured above has been quietly removed in the Globe and Mail version, without so much as noting the page has been updated. However, they forgot to fix their rankings - now their 'top ten' infamous quotes begin with #2."

UPDATE: Busted twice, still no shame...

...or apology...
Editor's Note: In an earlier version of this gallery that compiled some of the most memorable quotes of 2011, The Canadian Press included a fictitious quote from hockey personality Don Cherry. In fact, the quote attributed to Cherry in The Canadian Press story was taken from a satirical web site by a Toronto-based blogger. This version has been corrected.
The real story here, as usual, is in the Globe comments...
caught with their pants down againDon't laugh... they may just pick this one up and run with it.

No wonder the print media is dying.