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02 December 2011

Never mind that "Oil" thing, bro...

..we're talkin' "Peak Virginity"...

you can almost smell the scienceAh infidel, you scoff... but behold... there is indisputable proof...
"In the report, Professor Kamal Subhi exemplified the point by describing what he experienced while sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state."

"'All the women were looking at me," he wrote. "One made a gesture that made it clear she was available... this is what happens when women are allowed to drive,' he concluded."
Oh... my... gawd... it's just like the universally acknowledged & respected Chicken Little Theorem... substituting panties for sky, of course.

Perhaps Saudi scholars will finally get the respect they deserve.


"Hmm... I love to get in my car and go for a drive, but it has never been THAT exciting. What am I doing wrong? ;)"

UPDATE: You figure Globe & Mail editors...

...just peruse the blogosphere... then cobble up their own watered-down fuzzy-bunny versions of current events?
lame-ass politically correct globe & mailYou've gotta love this.

Suddenly, according to the Globe, there's a human rights activist in the mix... shifting focus from the nutty professor and his over-the-top allegations of uncontrollable whoring, induced homosexuality & a craving for pornography to...
"A report given to a high-level advisory group in Saudi Arabia claims that allowing women in the kingdom to drive could encourage premarital sex, a rights activist said Saturday."
You check out the first article from Fars News, you'll see that "encourage premarital sex"... doesn't quite cover it.

How a Globe editor gets from... insatiable nymphomaniacs who turn to porn and even... gasp... lesbianism... to satisfy their newly emergent vehicle-based baser urges... without slammin' back mescaline & vodka shooters is anybody's guess.

But, heck... we wouldn't want to offend anyone, right?

No wonder the print media is going down the shitter.