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02 December 2011

Maybe I missed it

In light of our troops currently winding up a decade long "military engagement" in Afghanistan... I'm wondering if any Islamic organisations here in Canada have taken a position on this latest wrinkle in the fabric of the now allegedly democratic Afghani me the justice'Cos I'm thinkin' there may still be a few bugs in the system...
Gulnaz's lawyer told the BBC she hoped the government would allow Gulnaz the freedom to choose whom to marry.

"In my conversations with Gulnaz she told me that if she had the free choice she would not marry the man who raped her," said Kimberley Motley.

Earlier this month, Gulnaz said that after she was raped she was charged with adultery.

"At first my sentence was two years," she said. "When I appealed it became 12 years. I didn't do anything. Why should I be sentenced for so long?"

The most recent appeal saw her sentence reduced to three years.
And where exactly are we on that whole "number 1 heroin supplier to the world" thing?