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02 October 2011

Yet another little report you'll never see...

...on the taxpayer-subsidised Canadian Broadcasting Corporation...
Armageddon never happened. Newly released data for Chicago shows that, as in Washington, murder and gun crime rates didn't rise after the bans were eliminated -- they plummeted. They have fallen much more than the national crime rate.

Not surprisingly, the national media have been completely silent about this news.
Which is why it's nice to have alternatives to the "lap it up" Lloyds & Lisas of the journalistic world...
"This study failed to demonstrate a beneficial association between legislation and firearm homicide rates between 1974 and 2008."
(via sda)


RELATED: Mind you, it's a very selective silence
"If you’re a left-wing Christian politician, your beliefs are commendable. If you’re a right-wing Christian politician, your beliefs are scary and you have a “dark and dangerous vision.”