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13 October 2011

Planet Chaz

Hey, Peace Moonbeam, I'm no tyrant... you wanna turn yourself into a vague approximation of a member of the opposite sex... knock yourself out.

Heck, why stop there? The stars are, well... Krypton, to be precise... the limit.

more lithium pleaseJust don't expect me to pay for it...
more lithium right nowHey, Dalton... are you listening?


"Kind of a swap meet page for organ donors? Could call it Switch-Gear or some such."

RELATED: More special rules for special people
Project Empowerment runs its job skills training courses on three-week cycles and helps roughly 1,000 D.C. residents per year, according to Jones. The city's first transgender-only class enrolled in mid-September and graduated 17 people last Friday.

The program is run through Project Empowerment, an $11 million-a-year program paid for with D.C. tax dollars that helps hard-to-employ city residents such as ex-convicts and ex-addicts find work.