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27 September 2011

We moved out of Toronto a decade ago... my son wouldn't be fed into the big city public school meat grinder...
what's your pointNot a day goes by... I don't congratulate myself.

Of course, I recognise that's not a choice anybody can... or even would... make for themselves. It's certainly easier to find a job, any job, in a city of two million souls... than a hamlet of 3,000 people. For new immigrants, you can find a community of familiar faces and customs.

Thing is... is that really enough? Don't you owe it to your children to find the safest environment possible?

Not a day goes by I don't read about another shooting, stabbing or lockdown in the bigger urban centres.

In the incident above, where one child will permanently bear the physical & emotional scars of this savage, impromptu plastic surgery... will the parents ever be able to forgive themselves?

I've found a way around that. I'm not ever going back.

Don't you ever think... "there must be a better way"?

I'm here to tell you... there is. Come the weekend, get a map and mark a 100km circle around your house, then climb in your car and start exploring. That's how we started.

Maybe you'll find your own little bit of paradise.


RELATED: Bright lights, big city
"On Wednesday, police confirmed a 14-year-old boy, who sources say has links to the Indian Posse, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Vincett, who allegedly claimed to have ties to the MOB gang, although his supposed affiliation is tenuous."

LAST WORD: Not your parents Canada
"Ms. Batalia was shot early Wednesday morning on the third floor of Simon Fraser University’s Surrey parkade."