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27 September 2011

Spoken like a "community organiser"

A billion here... a trillion there... pretty soon you're talkin' real money...
"Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner didn't dispute a Harvard economist's estimate that each job in the White House's jobs plan would cost $200,000, but said the pricetag is the wrong way to measure the bill's worth."
Hmmm... $200,000 a pop, huh?

Apparently the left hand doesn't know what the other lefter hand is doing...
The Army is preparing to launch in March a five-year, nearly 50,000-soldier drawdown, using a combination of accession cuts and voluntary and involuntary separations, similar to the post-Cold War drawdown of the 1990s, according to Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick, service personnel chief.
Anybody know what the Obama deficit currently stands at?