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23 August 2011

Yeah, of course... numb with grief

Sorry folks... I've been told I should be more Canadian... more nicey-nice. The fact of the matter is, though... behind all of the sombre media pageantry, it's just politics as usual... but hey, don't take my word for it...
The letter is full of such sophistry as “We can restore our good name in the world” – as though it is a given that Canada has somehow lost that – as well as bumper-sticker slogans of the “love is better than anger” ilk and ruthlessly partisan politicking.
Yeah, yeah... I know... I'm a soul-less troglodyte... but I'll gladly wear that label before I get danced around the room by seasoned political apparatchiks...
The letter was first presented as Layton’s last message to Canadians, as something written by him on his deathbed. Only later was it more fully described as having been “crafted” with party president Brian Topp, Layton’s chief of staff Anne McGrath and his wife and fellow NDP MP Olivia Chow.
It doesn't hurt any that they've got the full, grab your ankles co-operation of virtually all of the national media. You don't wanna squander that moment.

Wake up and smell the propaganda. This isn't about Jack Layton. It's about where this country is headed.


UPDATE: Those nasty, neocon sonsabitches...

...wait a minute...
the compassionate, intellectual left