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22 June 2011

Sorry neighbour... your daughter ends up...

..ridin' that shiny brass pole... or publicly naked and smeared with blood... by choice... you have profoundly failed in your parental duties...
Nearly nude volunteers from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals were wrapped in plastic and smeared with fake blood in front of Quality Meat Packers Ltd. on Tecumseth St., near Bathurst and King Sts.
Isn't that a little bit like protesting rape by dressing up as a giant, menacing penis?
“We’d like to pick the most meaty looking steakhouses,” said PETA campaigner Emily Lavender, whose current job involves following Prime Minister Stephen Harper around in a seal costume.
Uh, Em... I'm thinkin' you might wanna leave that one off your next job application.


"I'm surprised that the RCMP hasn't clubbed her once or twice if she's following PM Harper around."
Oh, now you've done it... I'm guessing Wendy Mesley's ears are burning as we speak.