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22 June 2011

Playing politics... it's what he does best

Too bad the table stakes here are human lives...
The withdrawal has created deep divisions in Washington. The defence secretary, Robert Gates, argued for a modest reduction – at one point as low as 2,000 – citing the advice of US commanders in Afghanistan that they need to protect gains made during the winter against the Taliban.

But senior White House staff, conscious that the president has an election to fight next year, argued in favour of a reduction that would send a signal to the US public that an end to the war is in sight.
Yeah, what do all those professional soldier know anyway, huh?

Never mind the actual impact on the situation on the ground... let's start campaigning.

It's unfortunate that President McDreamy doesn't have a son or two in the military. That just might have been enough to swing a blatantly political decision... back to the "real world."


RELATED: Because Barry knows best
Afghan officials say at least 12 policemen have been killed or wounded in two separate Taliban attacks on checkpoints.

In other violence, NATO said one of its soldiers was killed Wednesday in an insurgent attack in southern Afghanistan.
If you're not gonna listen to the Joint Chiefs... why not fire them and call it a budget saving measure?


LAST WORD: And where's Waldo, er...

...Mrs President McDreamy?
The wife of U.S. president Barack Obama, 47, said Africa's youth must help ensure women are no longer treated as second-class citizens, and that they stand up to violence against women in any form and any place.
Well... I guess standing up & dishing out shopworn platitudes is one approach.

Or, call me wacky... you could go straight to the source of some real problems...
Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma has overcome numerous obstacles to become president of South Africa.

Barely four years ago, his political career was all but written off when he was simultaneously battling allegations of rape and corruption - double charges which would have sunk the career of many politicians.

Mr Zuma was acquitted of rape, but the corruption case proved harder to shake off.
Hell... don't get me started on Winnie Mandela.