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27 June 2011

Or maybe, Romeo... just maybe... the Big Head could do the thinking for the Little Head

Here's a thought... how about we start tattooing warning labels on people's genitalia? -- Not everybody, mind you... just the folks who insist on purchasing frequent, unprotected sex with multiple strangers... poor, poor pitiful meWhat's next here... adding "swingers" to Ontario's list of "official" victims?" 'Cos I'm thinkin'... you're too stupid to figure this out, you shouldn't be allowed to go to the bathroom on your own... never mind down to Sammy's Sex Emporium.

And, hang on a sec... wasn't there a recent imbroglio involving the McGuinty government refusing to fund some woman's cancer treatment? But we're supposed to set up yet another government bureaucracy to tell grown men and women that reckless, premeditated, over-the-top promiscuity "MAY" have consequences?

It's past time for a little political triage. I know who I'm voting for this fall.