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17 June 2011

In other "Silk-Stocking Socialist" news

The Hudson Yacht Club, founded in 1909, doesn’t look like a promising spot for a young left-winger to get his first real taste of rebellion.

Jack Layton pretty much lived at the club during the summers of his childhood and teenage years.
But, hey... it's not what you're thing... apparently Jacko was an adolescent Cesar Chavaz.

And how does Macleans handle the fact that Layton was found naked in a Chinatown bordello during a sweep for underage Asian prostitutes?

With kid gloves, of course...
Even a late-campaign news story revealing that Layton had been found by Toronto police, back in 1996, in a dubious massage parlour didn’t derail him. Calling the story a “smear,” he said he went for a therapeutic massage and denied anything sexual happened. “I don’t even remember the name of the place,” he says. (It was Velvet Touch.) “I thought it was a legit operation until the police told me otherwise.”
Pop quiz, my friends... when's the last time you "accidentally" wandered into a whorehouse, er... I mean "dubious massage parlour?"

Here's the real question. If this had been Stephen Harper found starkers in a sleazy rub'n tug... do you honestly think he would have received the same special hands-off treatment?

And, no... that's not a rhetorical question.


"Why, just the other day, I headed down to the friendly pharmacist who works in the alley behind my office to pick up some Advil. While I was back there the police came by and told me he wasn't a real pharmacist, and even that he was a drug dealer of all things."

"Naturally I was just plain shocked by this news -- SHOCKED, I tell you."