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03 May 2011

Don't take my word for it...

...let's ask a world-famous author...
"Are we really supposed to believe that Pakistan didn’t know Osama bin Laden was living there for five years? -- Salman Rushdie on why it’s time to declare the country a terrorist state."
Time to wake up, folks... and smell the actual extent of the fundamentalist infection...
For a long time now America has been tolerating the Pakistani double game in the knowledge that it needs Pakistani support in its Afghan enterprise, and in the hope that Pakistan’s leaders will understand that they are miscalculating badly, that the jihadists want their jobs.
Osama is merely one cranium... on a multi-headed snake.

Let's see Barry O really earn his salary.


RELATED: Okay, no more fairytales

It's time for the government of Pakistan to choose sides...
-- WASHINGTON/ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) -- Pakistan's president acknowledged for the first time on Tuesday that his security forces were left out of a U.S. operation to kill Osama bin Laden, but he did little to dispel questions over how the al Qaeda leader was able to live in comfort near Islamabad.

The revelation that bin Laden had been holed up in a compound in the military garrison town of Abbottabad, possibly for years, prompted many U.S. lawmakers to demand a review of the billions of dollars in aid Washington gives to nuclear-armed Pakistan.
I'm thinkin'... we're talkin' real money here... it's time for a little quid pro quo...
Irate U.S. lawmakers wondered how it was possible for bin Laden to live in a populated area near a military training academy without anyone in authority knowing about it.

They said it was time to review aid to Pakistan. The U.S. Congress has approved $20 billion for Pakistan in direct aid and military reimbursements partly to help Islamabad fight militancy since bin Laden masterminded the September 11, 2001 attacks.