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02 May 2011

Dear Liberal Supporter...

I don't know that I ever thanked you for your recent prognostications concerning Canadian politics & the federal elections...
libby goes down in flames...p.s. -- good luck with that new career as a carnival fortune teller...go harper**********

RELATED: Thank you, Michael Ignatieff... cost 300 million dollars... but it was worth it...
Michael Ignatieff made history as the Liberal Leader who took his party to new lows, placing third for the first time ever, behind the Conservatives and New Democrats. The Grit fortress in Atlantic Canada was gone, as was Toronto. The Leader even lost his own seat.

For a man who returned to Canada in 2005 intent on making a mark on his home country, it was a disaster of epic proportions. He did worse than his predecessor, Stéphane Dion, who won 77 seats in 2008.

LAST WORD: Final Jane Taber tongue bath...

...must be Tuesday...
hanoi jane's last standYeah... nothing to do with Iggy's personality disconnect with Canadians... or Liberal incompetence.
dalton is nextJust another vast rightwing conspiracy.