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03 April 2011

"you(comma) are a troll"

I just received another essay from my newest(comma) bestest(comma) friend Skinny and I thought I'd(comma) share...
"this(,) makes you lower than an asshole, this makes you(,) a liar. The worst sort."

"because(,) that's all they have. Being a liar. You(,) are a liar."
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 8:34 PM, April 02, 2011
You probably already know him from such literary gems as...
"The reason I will be sarcastic(,) is because YOU decided to be a complete jerk."
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:12 PM, April 02, 2011
Now I almost missed this latest extravaganza... because even the completely insentient blogger software has apparently identified Skinny as a bit of a pest...skinny's deep thoughtsI can't imagine where Bloggerbot got that idea... obviously ol' Skins is just trying to be friendly.
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 2:44 PM, April 01, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:07 PM, April 01, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:51 PM, April 01, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 12:08 PM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:12 PM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 6:28 PM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 6:31 PM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 8:10 AM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 8:34 PM, April 02, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 9:37 AM, April 03, 2011
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 9:40 AM, April 03, 2011
Please feel free to drop by Skinny's home on the web to see what amazing thing he's up to today.