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11 April 2011

You know what? Never mind the lie...

the puffin king
...hell, never mind the vote... just ask yourself... where is Michael Ignatieff's heart? --
"I am an American Democrat. I will vote for Kerry in November," Ignatieff told The Glasgow Herald in 2004.

"Liberal spokesman Michel Liboiron was quoted in the QMI article stating that Mr. Ignatieff “has never voted in a foreign election.” Mr. Liboiron acknowledged Monday his comment was wrong."


Here's a hint folks... if your comment starts off with the words "nazi" or "moron"... chances are, it goes straight into the garbage.

Which prompts yet another nonsensical barrage from my biggest fan...
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 1:47 PM, April 11, 2011
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 1:54 PM, April 11, 2011
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 1:57 PM, April 11, 2011
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 2:07 PM, April 11, 2011
Sorry, nonny... not even remotely interested.