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12 April 2011

Remember folks... don't let Peter & Lloyd...

...and the rest of the lamestream media pull the death-soaked wool over your eyes...
“The Fukushima meltdown may mark a high point in anti-nuclear hysteria,” said John Downs of Euro Pacific Capital, in a note to clients Monday. “As a result, investors should not treat nuclear-related stocks as if they were radioactive. Eventually, reason prevails, and the truth is that nuclear power is hands down the best option available for powering the 21st century.”
And it ain't just one man's opinion here, folks...
Among the most intriguing stats that Downs includes in his report is that “the average coal plant releases 100 times more annual radiation than a comparable nuclear plant.”

The analyst likely got this statistic from an article in “Scientific American” from three years ago, which used a similar statistic citing work from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a 1978 paper in the “Science” journal.

RELATED: Don't sweat it, Ontario

I'm sure Dalton will eventually get around to keeping his promise... I think...
About 6,100 megawatts of coal-fired generation continues to operate in the province, or about 20% of total generating capacity -- years after Premier Dalton McGuinty's self-imposed shutdown deadline of 2007."

"McGuinty promised to end the use of coal in Ontario by 2007 during the 2003 general election but since winning that race, the target date has been pushed back several times and is now 2014."