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01 April 2011

OTOH, Chris... apparently I have...

...a more or less permanent lease on that cavernous acidic void betwixt your ears...
nyah, nyah, nyahIt must really be exhausting... keeping track of all those personalities...
nyah, nyah, nyah**********

"That commenter said, 'IF I were firebombing you', which any sane person could see wasn't a threat, it was a hypothetical scenario."
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:07 PM, April 01, 2011
Uh, Skins... not to split too many hairs here... but did you notice it was a "hypothetical scenario".. that enthused about flushing me from cover so they could shoot me?


AND AGAIN: Hear no evil, see no evil
"Don't be child. I have no idea about any "flushing you out" or whatever stuff you are ranting about, I didn't see any of that in the comment you posted."
Posted by Skinny in Toronto to halls of macadamia at 5:51 PM, April 01, 2011
Uh, Skinny, try reading slower.

Gotta say... you lefties sure have some loosey-goosey standards of acceptable behaviour.