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04 April 2011

It's true... a drowning man will grasp... a sword...
biggy iggy
Ig’s caught in a vote splitting nightmare.

As such there’s only one way he gets to be PM; enough Canadians need to find the idea of a dark, reactionary Nixonian figure like Harper with unfettered control over Parliament so repellant that they vote in sufficient numbers for ABH (Anybody But Harper) thereby keeping the Tories well south of a majority.

At that point the Grits and the Dippers make a deal (with the informal backing of the Bloc) to form a government thereby making good on the democratic will of the people (demonstrable since two out of three Canadians will have voted ABH).

As Jeffrey Simpson pointed out Ignatieff didn't help his cause by “ruling out” a coalition - but what's a campaign promise for if it's not to be broken.

UPDATE: Good thing he reserved that... at Hah-vuhd...
majority territory**********

RELATED: Catch the fever...

go iggy
"I should probably advise the German admins as to why the server has been shaking. Since going live just 24 hours ago, the Michael Ignatieff Election Sign Generator has generated 14,700 election slogans and counting."