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04 April 2011

Hope, Change and, er... Crawford, Texas

Hang on a second, didn't President McDreamy already shut that horrible place down?
-- Washington, D.C. -- President Obama has ordered a military commission at Guantanamo Bay to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, a U.S. government official confirmed on Monday.
Promises, promises...
Obama’s egregious flip-flop on this issue, which has been in the making almost since the day he took office represents a particularly striking example of the many profiles in cowardice that have marked American politics since 9/11.

In short, if al Qaeda really does “hate us for our freedoms,” then its ultimate triumph has been its ability to get us to act as if, in many instances, we have come to hate those freedoms as well.