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24 March 2011

Yes, Virginia... I remember when Ontario...

...didn't charge for healthcare or highschool education either...
"In a report released Thursday, parent advocacy group People for Education found that 6 per cent of Ontario high schools charged fees for English classes, which are mandatory in every grade, and 14 per cent charged fees for science, in which one credit is required for graduation."
Once upon a time... there was this fellow named Dalton... who promised he wasn't going to raise anyone's taxes...


RELATED: "I blame Mike the Knife"

Yeah, Dwight... fool me twice, er... three times...shame on me...
Just in time for the fall election, the Ontario government will announce $1.5 billion in “new savings” in Tuesday’s budget.

While Duncan currently anticipates Ontario will be awash in red ink until 2017-18, he is expected to update that timeline in Tuesday’s budget.
How many terms of office does it take... before you assume any sort of responsibility for your actions?

When does... "that beastly Mike Harris ate my homework"... stop being the Liberal mantra?


LAST WORD: Vote Liberal... I dare you.