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24 March 2011

I just don't understand...

...where people get the idea... he's an arrogant, condescending suckhole...
puffin kingOh... right...
"There's a blue door. There's a red door. We're going to form a Liberal government. Is that clear enough for you?" Ignatieff then abruptly ended the news conference and walked off.
Yes, your highness... once again... as clear as mud.


RELATED: Another Jane Taber tonguebath...

...must be Thursday...
"Mr. Ignatieff received a standing ovation. One Liberal MP described him as being 'on fire'."
My guess is... Iggy screws this one up... they'll make sure he is.


LAST WORD: Hey... what's that smell?
A 19-point difference is a huge lead with which to enter a campaign. It raises the question: Was everyone in the Opposition Leaders’ Office sniffing glue when they decided to force an election?

It’s only if you believe the real goal is to hold the Conservatives to another minority, in order to form a coalition of losers with the NDP and the Bloc Québécois, that the drive to bring down the government starts to make sense.