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01 March 2011

Email Dalton McGuinty & congratulate...

...Ontario's governing Liberals on their seemingly never-ending odyssey to appease... "all of the communities"... holding up this project...
Hydro One has been powerless to complete a $116-million transmission line upgrade for five years because Caledonia “warriors” won’t allow workers to wire the last towers.
No biggie, right? It's not like this has been going on for... holy crap...
Tory MPP Toby Barrett raised the issue of the stalled Niagara-Caledonia-Middleport transmission corridor in the Ontario Legislature Monday on the fifth anniversary of the Caledonia aboriginal land claim.

The entire 76-kilometre stretch of transmission towers, completed except for the missing wires, sits idle while the land negotiations take place.
Yessirree... looks like we have another "broad strata of society" issue for the McSlippery Liberals to figure out...
Energy Minister Brad Duguid told the Ontario Legislature that the government is working in partnership with all of the communities in the area to resolve the issues.

RELATED: Yup, violent insurrection works...

...and no, I'm not just talking about the Arab Middle East.



Already filtered out a couple of deliberately provocative anonymous comments about applying the death penalty to certain players in this farce.

Here's a thought, nonny... you don't have to be an ass all the time.