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10 March 2011

Honestly, Barry... call me Genghis Khan...

...but, you wake up one day... see France has the biggest jockstrap in the locker room... it's time to push a little harder on the pedal...
On Thursday France became the first big western power to offer official recognition to the Libyan opposition. It also discussed with its international allies launching targeted air strikes on airfields controlled by Muammer Gaddafi’s regime.

The French manoeuvres have put pressure on the Obama administration as it faces criticism at home over its reticence to increase assistance to rebels facing a counter-assault by Col Gaddafi’s forces.
Looks like the Brits are ready to go as well...
PM David Cameron last night raised the possibility of air strikes against Gaddafi if he continues the brutal slaughter of innocent civilians.

RELATED: Wondering why Bammer & Shrillary...

...are being so coy about jumping in here?
The US national intelligence director has predicted embattled Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi will defeat the rebels challenging his grip on power.

And Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the US would not act in Libya without international authorisation.
So much for "do the right thing."