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10 March 2011

Canada, yet again, held up to the light... as backwoods racist sh#thole...
-- OTTAWA -- Three University of Ottawa resident doctors are accusing the university and faculty members of racism, intimidation and discrimination.

Waleed Al-Ghaithy, Khalid Aba-Alkhail and Manal Al-Saigh -- all from Saudi Arabia -- have filed complaints with the Ontario human rights tribunal.
Why, I wouldn't blame them if they all packed up their bags tommorrow and enrolled at some world-famous Saudi medical... wait...


"Racism and intimidation at the University of Ottawa? How can that be, isn't that where those fine liberals Errol Mendes and Amir Attaran work?"

BREAKING: If only Canada could be...

...more like Saudi Arabia...
Saudi police opened fire Thursday to disperse a protest in the mainly Shiite east, leaving at least one man injured, as the government struggled to prevent a wave of unrest sweeping the Arab world from reaching the kingdom.

The Interior Ministry has banned demonstrations, saying they contradict Islamic laws and society's values and adding that some people have tried to go around the law to "achieve illegitimate aims."
I sincerely hope the protesters will be taking this up with the "Riyahd Human Rights Commission."