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01 February 2011

So CUPE & Jack Layton just wanna...

...reach into that magical government moneybag & make everybody happy...
According to the [CUPE] survey, 76 per cent of respondents support increasing CPP benefits and 51 per cent oppose the current approach federal approach to delay CPP reform in favour of a private pooled pension plan.

NDP Leader Jack Layton has included enhanced CPP benefits among a list of NDP demands for the federal budget in March.
Layton, Layton... that name sounds so familiar...
"Last year, Chow claimed $530,000 in expenses, Layton claimed $629,000."

"May(sic) you should look at the party in power you've got your nose so stuffed up the(sic) asses you better wipe the shit off your nose."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 6:21 PM, February 06, 2011