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24 January 2011

You don't wanna be standing under...

...any open windows... down at the CBC building...
look out below**********

"you think CBers(sic) will mad?"
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:23 AM, January 24, 2011
Those guys with the radios? I don't get it.

"oh dude, lay off the ridilin(sic). We're laughing."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 8:24 AM, January 24, 2011
Oh, Nonny... you mean Ritalin, right?

As in... "A prescription medication for people with attention deficit disorder."

Seriously, uh... dude... you do all the work for me.


UPDATE: It was all an elaborate ruse...

...turns out Nonny isn't a pathetic, dimbulb cyberstalker after all...
"dear god. You fell for it. Why yes neo, thank you for announcing to everyone your knowledge of "Ritalin" ha ha ha ha ha ha you idiot."
Posted by Anonymous to halls of macadamia at 9:37 AM, January 24, 2011
Yup... you're a regular Niccolò Machiavelli, aren't you?

So sad.