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24 January 2011


The squalid, immovable wisdom of the compassionate, intellectual left...
"Clearly, people must not be allowed to have things to call their own and use as they see fit."
ho, ho, hoIn other "postcards from the edge" news...
“It was, like, you meet a guy and fall in love with him.” But, he said, “then you commit yourself to him, and he turns out to be a jerk and difficult and brutal.”

RELATED: A sort of Eco-CHRC, huh?
The government also argues that a new environmental review tribunal set up under its Green Energy Act is the right place to air health issues, not the provincial court.
Yup, forget about actual courts... I betcha Dalton would love to stack the deck.


LAST WORD: And speaking of the CHRC
"Nothing in this Act affects any provision of the Indian Act or any provision made under or pursuant to that Act” — effectively turning the nation’s reserves into human-rights-free zones."