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08 November 2010

War on Poverty started in 1964

Musings on the not-so-invisible hand of the market...
You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor."

We still have the poor, and they only demand more. Still waiting for the "Thank you's."

RELATED: If you build it...

...they will come...
-- POVIRNITUK, Que. -- Here's what $588,000 will buy you in Nunavik: a no-frills home with two small bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. No basement, no second storey.

The province now pays about $3,094 a month for each unit to cover maintenance, utilities and other expenses. Eligible Nunivak families get the semi-furnished homes with heat and electricity for a maximum rent of $358 a month.

Some of the new social housing units, built just two years ago, already need major repairs. They have broken windows, damaged walls and are in general disrepair.

The province recently also started eviction procedures against 80 Inuit renters who owe on average $30,000 in unpaid rent.
For anybody who's interested... at maximum rent that works out to 7 years of arrears... apiece.