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08 November 2010

No Tea Party for you!

So much for the overpowering, right-wing juggernaut of Fox News North...
"But this story is far bigger than me. I’m a footnote in a larger, more important drama. The bold, irreverent, alternative voice that SunTV once promised to deliver to Canadian television viewers has vanished."

"A left-wing American lobby group, together with novelist Margaret Atwood, slew the unicorn before it even found its feet."

RELATED: Toe-may-toe, Tah-mah-to...

In other "you can't get there from here" news...
Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid quiet tribute to the 31 people slain at the hotel, looking over their names inscribed in a memorial before meeting with victims' families and survivors of the shootings.

Indian commentators seized on the president's failure to mention Pakistan, India's neighbor and bitter rival. Pakistan was home to the 10 assailants.
Which doesn't stop the Globe from slathering lipstick on the pig...
Barack Obama has risked upsetting his hosts in India by pushing the country toward peace talks with Pakistan that would encompass several issues, rather than focusing on the single problem of terrorism.
Hope and... change the subject... quick!