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09 November 2010

Just something to think about...

...while you're sitting waiting for 6 hours in your local hospital emergency room...
Since Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty announced 75 new scholarships for foreign PhD students in China last week, paying their way has turned into a provincial battleground.

The initiative will cost the province $20-million over the next four years, supplemented by $10-million more from universities.

It is Mr. McGuinty’s latest attempt at a precarious political balancing act: driving an outward-looking innovation agenda while trying to soothe rattled voters ahead of an election next year.
Well, heck... why not, huh?

As long as we've got all those excess taxpayer monies lying aroun... wait a minute...

RELATED: Oh, stop fretting...

...I'm sure there's a rigorous selection process...
The exposure of Mr. Zhang’s faked credentials provoked a fresh round of hand-wringing over what many scholars and Chinese complain are the dishonest practices that permeate society, including students who cheat on college entrance exams, scholars who promote fake or unoriginal research, and dairy companies that sell poisoned milk to infants.