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16 November 2010

From the very same Liberal Eco-crats...

...who brought you... "We're gonna shut down all those nasty coal-fired generating plants... in 2007...
Environment Minister John Wilkinson says he won’t even consider banning TV and computer trash from landfills until the province’s electronic waste diversion program is in stronger shape.

Ontario Electronic Stewardship (OES) is improving but it would be premature to expect that all provincial residents have access to its diversion programs, he said.

OES, which levied $45 million in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) fees in its first year, missed its collection and recycling targets by as much as 59%, its annual performance report revealed.
Yeah... let's have three cheers for Dalton McSlippery's bright, shining socialist paradise.

How ya likin' it so far?


RELATED: Back at the Mother Corpse

Mrs Neo is listening to a CBC interview of Australian "activist" Helen Caldicott... who, apparently wants to tear down the entire town of Port Hope... and rebuild it somewhere else.

And you can just smell the science...
"This town sort of represents the world nuclear problem. I've heard remarkable stories of animals being born with congenital defects."
Hey Dalton... are you listening? Helen's heard some spooky stories.

You wanna get your eco-crazy on... Helen's at the Best Western in Oshawa tonight.


LAST WORD: Advocating for sorcery

Good grief... the Ceeb is now exploring the role of witchcraft in our lives... according to the host...
"We don't allow enough room for the inexplicable in our lives."
Holy crap... it appears as though the CBC switchboard has lit up.

Good grief. We pay for this nonsense?