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21 October 2010

You 'ave leesaunce for your minky?

Way to audible, Clouseau... that narrows it down to about half a million suspects...
The suspect is described as 6' with a medium build. He was last seen wearing a black hoodie and black track pants, and heading eastbound on foot on Bloor Street West.
Seriously? That's the BOLO you're tossing out there?

Apparently... there's never a Constable Twitter around... when you really need one...
“The only way we’re going to stop someone from getting shot is by convincing the person holding the gun to put it down,” said Const. Scott Mills, the force’s "Social Media Relations Officer".
Or, Scotty... you could shoot back.


RELATED: Of course, it could be worse

At least we're not on the brink of a border war with the failing Mexican state...
Nationwide, more than 28,000 people have been killed in drug gang violence since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderon deployed soldiers to battle the cartels in their strongholds in northern Mexico and along the Pacific coast.