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01 October 2010

Yeah... who could have possibly...

...seen that coming, huh?

-- Maple Ridge News -- The day of the shooting, Anderson was working the 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. shift as a waitress at a local restaurant. She didn’t complete her shift because police came to pick her up halfway through and took her down to the police station to tell her what happened.

Her husband had taken his .308 hunting rifle, she thinks it was a Winchester, and shot and killed their son, who was asleep on the chesterfield. Then he turned the rifle on himself.
Wait a minute. This woman finally comes to her senses... picks up and leaves her abusive husband... but she doesn't take her six year-old child?
One night, before she left her husband, he had put one of his rifles at their bedside as a warning, but it never dawned on her that he would use them against her son.
What the f@ckin' f@ck!!! In what alternate universe does that even begin to approach the most miniscule shred of rational thought?!?!

And here's the kicker...
For Anderson, registration of rifles is just a common sense step that could reduce the number of shootings.
Yeah, of course... "common sense"... unlike leaving a small child with an armed, depressed and physically abusive asshole.


"Let me get this straight, Shirley left and went back to her abusive husband twice previously. She never informed the police about the firearms her husband possessed on their previous calls to the residence."

"She left a young vulnerable child in the custody of a man she was afraid of, a man with a history of violence and who had abused her other son. Yet somehow a registry is the answer??"

"I think its time Shirley faced the fact that the only one who had a chance to prevent this tragedy was her."

"I know what my wife would do if I 'warned' her by putting a loaded firearm beside the bed."

"Be a heck of a mess for her to clean up afterwards."