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01 October 2010

Toronto the Not-So-Good

"You can see by the bloodstaining that the place of the murder is right out in the open," Det. Pauline Gray of the homicide squad told reporters on Thursday.

"It's only logical that people saw the actual murder happen and I need them to come forward."
Hey, Pauline... first day on the job, huh? Funny... I hadn't heard that "faith in humanity" is a pre-requisite for a job on the homicide squad.

Well, heck... you just keep on sluggin'... I'm sure it'll pay off bigtime...
"All I know is that they got shot and that they are not here. I don't know how things happened, why things happened or who did it."


UPDATE: Two shooting victims id'd
Courthney Facey, 18, and Mike James, 23, were shot and killed near Lawrence Avenue West and Weston Road. Both men are from Toronto.
Curiously, no mention at the CBC of Mr Facey's street name.

Not to worry the Toronto Sun picks up the slack... it was "Bighead."

Meanwhile... in other "recreational ballistics" news...
Toronto police are searching for a suspect in connection with a shot fired inside a high school on Thursday.

They described him as black, six feet tall and 17 or 18 years old, with a medium to skinny build.
Hang on... are they allowed to say that?