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04 October 2010

So... is it only fearmongering when...

...a Republican does it?
-- Washington D.C. -- A White House spokesman, Nicholas S. Shapiro, said that while the State Department had decided to issue the alert, it came in response to Mr. Obama’s insistence that “we need to do everything possible to disrupt this plot and protect the American people.”

The alert’s vagueness, issued after days of discussion inside the Obama administration, embodied the dilemma for the authorities in the United States and Europe over how to publicize a threat that intelligence analysts call credible but not specific.

RELATED: Hope, Change and...

...let's ask an Israeli...
The generic nature of the alert helps sow panic.

It doesn't even specify a country, much less a city. It essentially tells American (and British ) citizens that it's every man for himself.
Geez... I'm feeling safer already.


LAST WORD: Wait a minute...
The German government played down on Monday U.S. and British warnings about the heightened risk of terrorist attacks on Europe, with Berlin saying there were no immediate signs of a threat against Germany.

The FBI and Homeland Security Department also said Monday they have no indication that terrorists are targeting the U.S. or its citizens as part of a new threat against Europe.
Ironically... there were no "security warnings" raised over in Pakistan...
Pakistani officials say a suspected U.S. missile strike has killed at least eight militants, including German nationals, in Pakistan's northwestern tribal region.