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19 October 2010

Multi-culturalism versus Melting Pot

Two words -- FIT... IN -- and you'll probably do just fine...
Mayor Naheed Nenshi will be at the helm and with the help of 14 aldermen will face Calgarians as the new council heads the city in a new direction.
Back here in the center of the universe, of course... this can only be about one thing...
rainbows & unicornsThat's weird... I guess I missed the part where Naheed Nenshi ran around Calgary shouting... "Elect me, I'm a Muslim."
He achieved what many observers thought impossible – a wonkish, even dorky, academic and visible minority elected to the helm of what is often called Canada's most conservative city after a campaign driven by charisma and sheer determination.
Here's a thought... maybe being a concerned Calgarian first... was enough.


RELATED: Yeah... "shocked & outraged"
"The inverted moral order of multiculturalism is thus a case of what the late Sam Francis called 'anarcho-tyranny'."