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12 October 2010

Maybe Michael Ignatieff...

...should be campaigning to head up the European Union...
"I would say a big deciding factor was the fact that Canada's bid did not have unity because we had Mr. Ignatieff questioning and opposing Canada's bid," Dimitri Soudas, Harper's communications director, said in an interview."

"It's a long-standing policy that outside of our borders, we all present a united front and in this case Mr. Ignatieff chose to oppose Canada. . . Once again it shows that Mr. Ignatieff, quite frankly, does not view these issues through the prism of what's best for Canada. He views them through the prism of what's best for him."
Now, to be fair, we should actually let Iggy have a say here...
"This is a government that for four years has basically ignored the United Nations and now is suddenly showing up saying, 'Hey, put us on the council,'" Ignatieff said following a Liberal caucus meeting last month.
WTF... we ignored the United Nations?!?!


That's what you're saying to the friends and families of all our soldiers who served and... more to the point... died in Afghanistan?
"Don't mistake me. I know how important it is for Canada to get a seat on the Security Council, but Canadians have to ask a tough question: Has this government earned that place? We're not convinced it has."
Maybe Professor Egghead should pack his bags and spend another three decades in someone else's country.

He's obviously forgotten how to be a Canadian.


RELATED: Long live the King
“Ignatieff referred to opponent attacks on his time living outside of Canada as provincialism. ‘They say it makes me less of a Canadian. It makes me more of a Canadian.’”

Wait, wait … stop the speech, sir. You are more Canadian than whom, pray tell? The crowd you were speaking to? The Prime Minister? Exactly how much of the Canadian population gets pushed to second-class citizenship in your new elitist concept of super-Canadiandom?
Because, on Planet Iggy... some animals are more equal than others.


LAST WORD: Looks like Iggy's in good company...
The loss should cheer the Canadian Arab Federation, which argued that Canada didn’t deserve the seat, period. Why? It would lead to more imperial wars and Israeli aggression.