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09 September 2010

Rev Billy-Bob & 50 wacky followers...

...scam international media for 50 million dollars worth of free publicity...
Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Fla., called off plans to burn copies of the Quran on Saturday to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, he said Thursday.
C'mon, guys... seriously.

Was I the only one who could hear the banjo music?

And all those rumours about a quid pro quo deal to relocate the Ground Zero Mosque?

That's bullshit too.


RELATED: Calling all (cough, cough) Canadians

Hey... we've already got Al-Jazeera... who could ask for anything more?
Our petition to stop "Fox News North" from getting special access to our cable fees has exploded to over 75,000 signatures in less than a week!
(h/t reader ed)