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09 September 2010

Don't look at me...

...I didn't vote for him...
Faced with a $19.3-billion deficit of his own making, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has now decided that everyone in the province has to pitch in to pay it back.

Ontario voters have seen this movie before. In 1990, they elected the province’s first (and only) NDP government, under premier Bob Rae. Faced with a recession, Mr. Rae attempted to spend the province back to prosperity, throwing money at welfare, public sector wages and government-sponsored job creation.
And we all remember how well that worked out for us.
Mr. McGuinty has almost doubled government program spending, from $64.3-billion in 2003-04 to $115.9-billion in 2010-11. This year’s provincial budget projects eight more years of deficits, which would add a total of $116.6-billion to the public debt by 2018.
Stop the madness, Ontario... friends don't let friends vote Liberal.