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01 September 2010

Now, if the Liberals were back in power...

...these folks would already be running around their own little corner of Scarberia... soliciting funds for the "natural governing party"...
More than three dozen Tamil migrants have been segregated from 492 others who arrived by boat for questioning by police on suspicion of being linked to the Tamil Tigers, or other inadmissible groups, including war criminals.

Police said several men were moved to a segregation unit because they were “threatening or intimidating” other migrants.
Surprise, surprise.

You ever wonder why the Tamils did that about-face after initially heading for Australia?
Australia is now in negotiations with East Timor, New Zealand and the United Nations about setting up a “regional processing centre” where intercepted ships will be taken.

“Arriving by boat would just be a ticket back to the regional processing centre,” warned Gillard.
Oh yeah... that "processing centre"? I'm not sure it's as comfy as the Canadian accommodations.
Right now, refugee applicants are processed on a remote Australian island called Christmas Island, where they’re held until their cases are heard.
Yup... good ol' Australia... the people Iggy referred to in rather unflattering terms.
Right — Canada, not Australia. We don’t need to learn nuthin from nobody. Because nobody knows nuthin better’n we know it. So just tell them Australians to shut their yaps, thank-yew-very-much, and we’ll just run our own country. Hear?

Seriously. That’s how international scholars talk. Especially when they’ve been on a bus all summer

RELATED: In other Australia news
Northern Territory police say that more than 70 men escaped early Wednesday by breaking through two electrified fences.

The break-out follows disturbances at the center in Darwin Saturday and Sunday involving a group of Indonesians accused of smuggling asylum seekers into Australian waters.

Immigration featured prominently in Australia's recent election. Both major parties promised tough action to curb the flow of asylum seekers arriving by sea.

LAST WORD: More pavilions at folkfest...
damn north york beefWatch out for that damnable "North York Beef"...
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is warning people not to eat raw beef purchased from a North York store that may contain E. Coli.

CFIA officials say the alert applies to all cuts of raw beef, including, but not limited to, tenderloin, beef chunks and ground beef, sold Aug. 6 from Kabul Farms retail store at 40 Beverley Hills Dr.

The cuts were wrapped at the store and may not have a label with a packing date, lot code or best before date, officials warned.
Kabul Farms... we cut through all that silly red tape for you.